Tiny Lang

Tiny Lang


Tiny lang is a toy programming language written to have fun.


git clone https://github.com/vivekascoder/tiny_lang
    cd tiny_lang
    cargo install --path .

Run program

tiny_lang interpret ./examples/main.tiny


tiny_lang repl --with (ast/lex/interpret)


To compile the tiny program into machine code use the following command.

tiny_lang compile ./examples/main.tiny
    chmod +x ./a.out

🗒️ NOTE: Make sure you have llvm installed in your system along with clang, as we rely on llc and clang to compile.

Syntax highlighting for tiny programs

cp -r ./syntax ~/.vscode/extensions/

After restarting your VsCode, you'll have tiny lang syntax support.


    * calculate sum of fibonacci sequence using tiny lang.
    extern fun printf(s: *i8, ...) => usize;
    fun fibo(num: usize) => usize {
        if (num == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            if (num == 1) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return fibo(num - 1) + fibo(num - 2);
    fun main() => usize {
        printf("%d", fibo(5));
        return 0;

For more exmaples.

Check out the examples folder.